

Wind1000 is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact initiative on its way to promote social responsibility (CSR) at the center of all activities of the company internationally, focusing on the Human Rights, Working Rights, Environment and Anti-Corruption areas.

The company has committed to support the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice and protect our planet. At Wind1000 we are undertaking actions to accomplish the following goals:


Quality, Safety, Health and Environment

We operate an Integrated Management System based on continuous business performance improvement, bringing together all economic, technical, environmental, labor and social aspects to take the company to reach quality excellence in all its products and services.

Wind1000 certificates for the ISO 9001 standard on Quality Management ensuring that its products and services consistently meet customer’s requirements and that quality is constantly improved.

We also certificate for the ISO 45001 standard on Health & Safety Management providing a framework to identify, control and decrease the risks associated with health and safety within the workplace. We ensure employees protection against possible occupational risks and we work hard to reduce accidents at the workplace.

At Wind1000 we certificate for the ISO 14001 standard on Environmental Management which has helped us identifying, prioritizing and decreasing the environmental risks as part of our daily work.

Committed to People

Employees are the most important asset of the company, so we work to set the perfect environment to improve their quality of life.

We work to join the professional and personal development of all our employees, through the promotion of team work, exposure at all levels of the organization and providing continuous learning at all stages. We consider all these essential to fulfill the employee’s own role at the company developing strategic skills to be part of an international company.

At Wind1000 we offer the same labor opportunities, in terms of job access or the internal professional promotion of employees, applying gender equality and no discrimination policies at all stages of the recruitment processes.